
Cristina Grigoras
maio 21, 2019

A partnership and a personalized digital solution that upgrades the guest experience and meets hotel operational needs

This blog is the beginning of a series on our hospitality partnerships, and this week we feature Bowo. 创新奖得主 FoodHotelTech 2019 with its in-room digital experience solution, and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in the hospitality industry 作为合伙人,Bowo是业内一颗冉冉升起的新星. 我们采访了Jonathan chani, the co-founder, about the company, 它的历史和与ALE的合作关系. 

What is Bowo's mission?

Our mission is to transform a simple stay into a personalized, customized experience. We combine optimal service with a minimal investment to offer travelers an experience that exceeds their expectations, 在合适的时间提供合适的机会! 我们的解决方案所代表的不仅仅是硬件和软件. It allows us to build a strong link between hoteliers and travelers, 在他们的需求和员工的专业知识之间, 他们的满意度和酒店绩效之间的关系. Thus, 超越技术或营销, we are committed to making the guest’s journey - both from the point of view of hoteliers and travelers - even more unforgettable.

App Bowo blog body


在谈论酒店体验时, 无论是在城里还是在别的地方, 它应该靠近有吸引力的旅游景点, 以及丰富艺术和文化活动. To improve the guest stay, it's essential to offer the opportunity to live diverse and varied, authentic experiences.


Authentic, local surroundings make for a great guest / tourist experience. What’s important to a hotelier is to be the focal point of their guests’ stays, not just as hosts, 但作为推荐当地旅游景点的人. 这可以让你在当地建立自己的公司, bringing nearby shops to life and creating links between the various businesses in your area.

No one knows your area like you do, so share your experience with your guests! They need you, both for your precious advice, for your feedback and for your favorite experiences.


技术的作用是简化获取信息的途径, 让客人的体验更加有趣和无缝, 消除沟通障碍. It allows travelers to explore the must see places from their hotel room and through an interactive city guide. It is more convenient for a client to have permanent access to information, rather than leafing through printed or laminated brochures at the hotel reception desk.

What is Bowo's offer?

Bowo believes that a digital solution that offers a personalized service improves the user experience. It is based on:

• An innovative product that improves the room experience and facilitates access to hotel offers

• An artificial intelligence that anticipates guest needs and allows them to personalize their stay

We provide a full solution, installed in each room, consisting of a tablet, a docking station, and a dedicated application. Travelers can access the related services offered during their stay, and enjoy personalized entertainment such as: "Chromecast your best Netflix series on your room TV,”“用连接的扬声器听你在Spotify上选择的歌曲,或“根据自己的兴趣浏览城市。.” Becoming informed, organized, and entertained has never been easier during a trip.

In addition, our solution allows hoteliers to provide visibility of hotel expertise and services, transforming marketing campaigns into targeted notifications and monitoring guest satisfaction in real-time. 这种程度的个性化只会增加客人的忠诚度. 既然我们在谈论优势, 我们不要忘记运营成本的优化, 由于简化了管理!


“量身定制”一直是奢侈品界的特权. 今天,我们能说所有酒店都可以使用它吗?

Custom-made products have remained synonymous with rarity, selectivity, aesthetics and exclusivity. Bowo每天都在这四个方面工作. And the Bowo solution makes it possible to combine optimum service with minimal investment to offer a superior guest experience. An exclusive and personalized experience thanks to carefully selected quality services, 所有这些都在一个视觉上吸引人的应用程序上, 忠于每个酒店的品牌形象.

What is the relationship with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise 以及Bowo如何与阿尔卡特-朗讯解决方案集成?

We work with the largest hotel partners, including ALE, a major actor in the hospitality industry. From the beginning, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise has expressed an interest in our partnership, resulting in a dynamic, and now well-established, 通过合作,为整个火狐体育手机提供更好的客户服务.


•已经在一些博沃装备的酒店,ALE's提供 Rainbow solution, available on the Bowo tablet, allows hoteliers to maintain human contact with their guests. To put it simply, the guest benefits from the Bowo experience and can call and discuss, at any time via the tablet, 与酒店相关团队联系. 增加了彩虹的功能-聊天, voice, even video (if necessary) - between guests and hotels allows an extension of user panels, while guaranteeing hoteliers a higher rate of transformation in service sales.

• We are currently working on the development of a simple common solution that will allow hoteliers to equip their hotels with ALE rooms phones, particularly the 8088 digital telephone,它将集成Bowo服务砖. 客人们就能了解情况了, consume and book services directly from the screen of their room telephone.


Learn more about Bowo.

Cristina Grigoras

Cristina Grigoras


Cristina is a marketing and communication specialist with 10 years experience in telecommunication, media and advertising. Currently Strategic Industries Marketing Manager at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. Before this role, she was Services and Professional Services Marketing-Communications with ALE. But also Brand and Strategy Manager in business media, advertising and the publishing industry. 

“我的媒体背景激发了我对故事的热情. 我的电信背景教会了我客户需要什么, 以个性化和优雅的解决方案回答, 能把不同的系统和最终的人结合在一起吗, 使企业更接近其愿景和客户. Or how we say in ALE, how to make everything and everyone connect. 我的博客文章涵盖了这些类型的经历, 我们的客户和我们自己的冠军的故事, backed by industry trends."

Cristina is a Chartered Marketer and holds a Communications and P.R. 在布加勒斯特大学获得学位. 

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